Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Long time coming

It has been quite a while since I posted on Living with Bird Dogs. If you missed the posts, sorry. If you didn't miss them, then no harm done.

So what's new? 

 Practically everything. I have relocated to the mountains of SE Arizona with my five setters. I had six when I arrived here two years ago, but my good old dog, Ted, died in October at 16-1/2 years old. We had a great run, but damn, i miss that dog everyday.

Bought a house and land bordering the Coronado National Forest. Elevation 5100 feet. A rolling piece of land dotted with oaks (several species), junipers and, of course cat's claw and brambles of many types. No barn (it burnt to the ground in 2017) so I erected a decent sized metal barn/car garage/shop to keep my boat, Jeep, Landcruisers, and dog truck. Also installed my tools and other drag-alongs from my old place.

I built a kennel room off the garage at the house with individual runs (from TK Kennels - 1st class product) and with A/C for the summer months and heat for the winter. Adjacent to the kennel is a fenced paddock for the dogs that they use daily. An acre or two with gullies, oaks, and lizards to pursue.

 I acquired a pair of Atlas AT250 clay target machines with carts and voice releases, put bigger tires on the carts so they could be towed around behind the Jeep. 

So this is all to say that I have sort of set the place up to suit myself.

This past summer a friend from Teaxas gave me a nice setter pup from a litter he bred. At six months now he is feeling his oats and I've been working him on the basics with a check cord - seeking some co-operation. It might be happening. Have a cage full of quail to work him on when we get to that stage. He does not need to be shown birds to build enthusiasm, as he has plenty of drive and a ton of point.

 So I had promised Jared during a visit to his place last summer that I would resume posting. And I expect to provide some comments and information as convenient or when I have something to say that I think iteresting or important. I hope that you enjoy the future blog posts.

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