Tuesday, April 14, 2020

March Miracle, and then.....

Photo by Sutter Rogers
Until Saturday March 14, snowpack in the Sierra was suffering at about 50-percent of normal. For two weeks prior, the daily highs had been in the mid-60's to 70-degrees, it was dry, and the horses were literally sweating standing still. Their winter coats just starting to shed-out, the animals seemed to be going through more salt and water than they typically do in the summer heat.
Well, that Saturday evening it started coming, with a good 16-inches settling-in overnight, and for four consecutive days it came and came; a total of 40-inches of the white stuff accumulating on the railing of my deck. I was on a backhoe tractor 4.5-hrs each day plowing snow so we could get 26 horses fed and watered, and our vehicles in and out our drives. Fortunately, the power was only out for about 36-hrs; in past winters we'd gone four to five days without power during such a storm.
This is a pretty typical winter weather scenario in the mountains; nasty conditions for a few days, the power goes out, you have the woodstove for heat, the fridge gets emptied into a cooler on the back porch to keep things cool, beer into the snowbank, you suffer for a couple days without electronics, read by candlelight.... Then things go back to normal.
Just as the weather began to clear in the northern Sierra, the 600-pound grizzly that was stirring in our midst the past couple months started to move; and it charged hard. COVID-19 got real across America; it became more than just something affecting hot-spot cities and far-off nations. Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place restrictions were implemented in States across the nation, the Dow took a dive, unemployment went form an all-time low to an all-time high, the list goes on and on....
People with and without the virus are suffering in the States and around the world. It's impossible to do this reality justice in words because it's hardly comprehendable. A true shit-storm! I'll take four-feet of snow any day......

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