Friday, May 17, 2019

Initial Training

Ella and Sammi at 14-weeks with checkcords
Both Ella and Sammi have been outfitted with checkcords; a piece of 3-foot long,1/4-inch, heavy-duty nylon cord, fixed to their collars.  At about 13-weeks, I fix a checkcord to the collar of my puppy. This is the pups initial introduction to yard work. The pup will drag this little checkcord around for the next month; eating, sleeping, running, walking and tripping over it; breaking itself to the lead. After a month of living with that cord, there is no reaction from the pup when I clip it to a lead to start it's initial yard work. The pup just goes about business; no attacking the lead, no rolling around in the dirt to escape, no biting, no pulling, no whining, no whimpering; the pup doesn't focus on the lead, the pup is ready to go to work.

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