Monday, March 9, 2009


I think Spring has arrived. I have not posted in a while and thought I would do something today...

I attended the West Coast Shooting Dog Championship on Friday and Saturday. Didn't run a dog, but helped out where I could, and enjoyed seeing some fine dogs run. Here is a photo of Sean Kelly readying his dog for the start of her brace. It turned out that Sean won the Championship with an excellent performance from his dog in this brace. 

The Brooks Ranch is in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains near Jamestown, California. It is a beautiful piece of ground with rolling, oak studded hills and native valley quail. 

I am getting Ted ready for a walking shooting dog stake at Setter Springs Ranch next weekend. I will post some when I return. 


  1. It's gives me Spring Fever reading your post!

  2. Shawn

    Spring is headed your way. Just needs to travel a bit yet. ;-)

  3. Mike: I know the feeling... and so do the dogs. We've been lucky to have a pretty active winter.

    Good luck with Ted this weekend. I'll be running Mr. Enthusiasm at his first horseback trial of 2009 down in VA. Whooooeeee!

    all best


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