"As to the abuses I meet with, I number them among my honors. One cannot behave so as to obtain the esteem of the wise and the good without drawing on oneself at the same time the envy and malice of the foolish and wicked, and the latter is testimony of the former. The best men have always had their share of this treatment, and the more of it in proportion to their different and greater degree of merit. A man, therefore, has some reason to be ashamed of himself when he meets with none of it."
Benjamin Franklin, 1767
Keep this thought in mind if you post on Internet bulletin boards.
Wonderful words to think on....
I am enjoying your blog and thought I would let you know I left a comment on your July 24 post on 'breeding'. Thanks again for thought provoking and informative articles about dogs..and the ethics involved in all aspects of keeping and hunting them !
Fantastic reference Mike...and thanks for the post off the beaten path.
Wait... have you been starting brush fires at our old internet haunt again? Your quote brought back all kinds of (fond?) memories.
Glad to be part of this little internet experiment.
No brush fires lately. One of the reasons for this blog is that I can say whatever I want, and it's my sandbox. But I still have that box of matches...
Looking forward to your trial post. With photos, I hope?
Nice thought and Funny!
Here's to keeping the cats out of your sandbox.
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