I just returned from NW Nevada where I spent five days camping in a remote spot, ungrazed (for about 10 years). It was covered by sage brush, grasses and forbs - full and lush despite the pressure from wild horses and antelope. I flushed many sage grouse, and the country looked well watered and green.
I'll add some pictures soon.
A Classic Lion Scene.
6 hours ago
Mike...that's a rarity! I always thought that the "M" in BLM stood for Mis-Management! The areas that I chase Sage Grouse here in CO are completely over grazed! The sage is grazed down to nubs! It makes you wonder if they ought to list the birds just to protect their habitat! They need acres and acres and acres of land to sustain them! On a lighter subject...I love Charley Waterman's stories on sage grouse and the wide open spaces! I look forward to seeing your photos!
For those of us east of the Rockies, what are forbs? I assume you were working your dogs?
forb |fôrb|
noun Botany - a herbaceous flowering plant other than a grass.
ORIGIN 1920s: from Greek phorbē ‘fodder,’ from phorbein ‘to feed.’
I SHOULD have taken the dogs. I was working my 9 year old grandson with the help of his mother. Fishing, looking at birds and animals, geology and archeology lessons included.
We picked up a few paleolithic tools, more on that later.
That warms my heart. Wish I had a grandchild to share with.
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