Sunday, December 2, 2012

Possibles bag

Found a fun toy yesterday, and my sweet wife indulged me ...  quite frequently, when I hunt with a friend from their vehicle, I find that I have left some important piece of kit back at my truck.  An e-collar or a whistle or a box of shells or a warm shirt, something.  I have been looking for a large tool bag that would hold all of those possibles but then ran across this in an antique store:  an old doctor's bag.

Leather is not too bad, hopefully it will respond to some conditioner and then give me a few years of good service.  Certainly better looking thany anything from Husky.  And it was not too expensive, if it falls to pieces with a bit of use I'll be just a bit disappointed.


1 comment:

Mike Spies said...

Pete -- Does this mean that I will no longer need to carry extra whistles and such?