Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Bill Allen's book of fables is a truly fabulous reliving of some of his memories of dogdoms not-so-distant past. Mr. Allen recounts many of the dogs, trainers/handlers and owners, that made up a most significant era in field trialing. His prose puts the reader "in the moment" with first-hand accounts that play out vividly in ones mind. What I am reminded each time I read through this extraordinary recollection is that the game is about the dog, and that our emphasis as promoters of the breed should be to skim the cream off the top and not settle for mediocrity.

The Unforgettables and Other True Fables is in it's second printing and is available at http://www.strideaway.com/

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Walkin' around camera

After I drowned my Cannon digital in the Wenaha RIver, I started to consider the virtues of a 'waterproof' digital pocket camera. After a very brief review of the options available, I bought an Olympus Stylus Tough-8010. The picture quality is not likely to be quite what the Canon offered, but the small size and ruggedness will be much appreciated on my walks.
This was shot yesterday - the Fox C grade with two valley quail taken on BLM ground on the Eastern side of the Sacramento River.